It is an approach towards integration of the body, mind, spirit and emotions, of human beings in the context of the earth and all created life. It recognizes the interconnection between all animate and inanimate creation and that a human being can be healthy only, if s/he lives in balance and harmony with self, others, the environment and God. Holistic Health goes beyond removing symptoms to the development of the person in relation to his/her own being, human and ecological environment.
In the process of healing, all modalities may be used; surgery, medicine, chemotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture, yoga, ayurveda. But these do not heal a person fully. There are many factors outside the purview (province) of medicine that play a vital role in undermining the quality of our lives – poverty, malnutrition, crime, unhappiness, sorrow, pollution, etc.
The main principle in the holistic approach is individual responsibility for one’s own health. Only when a person takes responsibility for one’s own health and the environment in which one lives, can s/he be truly healed.
Illness is not a curse. It can be used as a tool in learning about ourselves. Often we need a breakdown in order to breakthrough – to higher levels of wellness. The whole point is to recognize the illness, as a reality (problem) in life, and to solve it. It is not enough to cure the functional system. We must get at the root of the cause of the disease, instead of looking at the illness as pathology. It is more useful, helpful and scientific to see it as a push from the unconscious – to reach to the potential – by finding the meaning of the illness.
In our Holistic Health Center in Pune an integrated approach to healing is used through acupuncture, homeopathy, homeo-energy transmission through hair, counseling, inner child work, guided meditation, against a background of music and personalized care. Results have been effective in ailments for which there seemed to be no medical answer, like Downs, Autism, Dyslexia and hypertension. A document on “Effects of Acupuncture on Challenged Children” was brought out on 29 September 12011 by it. The Center also teaches these modalities to individuals for their own benefit and to become Holistic Health practitioners themselves.

In our hospitals, health centers, outreach work therapeutic massage, foot reflexology, pranic healing, reiki, herbal remedies are offered as complementary health care treatment. Ultimately Holistic Health can be looked upon as a journey into NEW LIFE, bringing healing and wellness in its fullest sense to humans in relations to themselves, to others, to all created life and to God.