We are women with a passion for possibilities, open to the signs of the times, who as a Society and a Province have crossed many frontiers and walked new paths:
- In our internationality and interculturality.
- In inserting ourselves among people, especially those made poor.
- In helping to start the Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI) to coordinate health planning in the country.
- In fields of alternate health care and healing methods.
- In our focus for the empowerment of people, especially women.
- In participating in the vision of a new way of being Church through Small Christian Communities in Pune.
- In fostering ecological spirituality.
- In collaborating and entering into partnership agreements at local, national and international levels. One good example: After a ten-year unique partnership venture between Medical Mission Sisters and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth to promote the healing mission of the Church in Patna (see www.kurjiholyfamilyhospital.org), a renewed seven year agreement was signed this year.
- In linking our mission at the grassroots with our involvement at the United Nations through an international MMS Social Justice and Integrity of Creation Network.